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The general structure of the website, as well as the software and databases are the exclusive property of the Cercle de l’Arbalète. Any reproduction, any total or partial representation, any use, any adaptation, any provision or modification of these elements by any process whatsoever, by any person whatsoever and by any means whatsoever (in particular sale, marketing, leasing, etc.) without the authorization of the Cercle de l’Arbalète, of the possible authors or their successors in title, is strictly forbidden and constitutes an offense of counterfeiting within the terms of the code of the intellectual property.
The scientific, cultural and educational contents (texts, audio, audiovisual and multimedia documents, without this list being exhaustive) as well as the iconographic and photographic reproductions presented in this site with a signature or a copyright © are protected under the intellectual property law. Photographs bearing credit are the exclusive property of the institutions or persons cited in the credit.
The SOFINS brand and those of its partners, as well as the logos appearing on the site, are protected by industrial property law. Any total or partial reproduction of these brands and/or logos made from elements of the site without the authorization of their owners is strictly forbidden and constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property code.
Administrative public information
The informative and programming contents of this site are administrative public information within the meaning of article 10 of law n° 78-753 of 17 July 2178. Any reuse of this information is free, provided that it is not altered, that its meaning is not distorted, and that its sources and the date of its last update are mentioned.
No transfer of ownership of administrative public information is made to the reuser. The latter benefits from a personal and non-exclusive right to re-use this administrative public information. Any person re-using public information in violation of the above-mentioned prescriptions is liable to a fine pronounced by the Commission of Access to Administrative Documents.
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The SOFINS website, organized by the Cercle de l’Arbalète, authorizes the setting up of a hyperlink pointing to its content as long as it does not create confusion about the source of the services and/or content produced and/or held by the Cercle de l’Arbalète and subject to :
– not to use the technique of the deep linking, i.e. the pages of the site should not be nested inside the pages of another site, but accessible by the opening of a window ;
– mentionning the source, which will point directly to the content in question by means of a hyperlink.
The information used must only be for personal, associative or professional purposes. Any use for commercial or advertising purposes is excluded. This authorization does not apply to websites broadcasting information of a polemical, pornographic or xenophobic nature or which may, to a greater extent, offend the sensibilities of the majority of people; and to websites which may offend the material or moral interests of SOFINS, organized by the Cercle de l’Arbalète.
The site proposes many links towards other sites, mainly official sites (institutions, public organizations, etc.) but also towards websites of associations or companies and partners. These web pages, whose addresses are regularly checked, are not part of the public and official site
The Cercle de l’Arbalète is not responsible for the content of these other sites, and will not be held responsible for any damage or prejudice resulting from them. Links to other sites are provided to users for convenience only.
The website is governed by the laws of the French Republic. The provisions of this legal notice are deemed to be accepted in full by all users of the website. This notice is announced on the home page of the website. Any dispute or litigation concerning this website will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Paris.
About the event (28> 29 March 2023)
SOFINS is an event strictly restricted to professionals in the field, and all visitors must be able to justify their visit as a professional activity.
The entrance is forbidden to people under 18 years of age. Only the organizer is authorized to validate any badge request.
SOFINS is open to audiovisual media. Visitors and exhibitors are informed that they may be filmed or photographed. The authors of films or photographs taken at SOFINS do so under their own responsibility (legal respect of image rights and of any regulatory or jurisprudential provisions applicable on French territory) and fully release the SOFINS organizer from any responsibility in this regard.
SOFINS is organized by the Cercle de l’Arbalète
15, rue de la Pourvoierie – 78000 versailles
Cercle de l’Arbalète
15, rue de la Pourvoierie – 78000 Versailles – France
– Design committee: Cercle de l’Arbalète
– Graphic design creation: Magenta Sudio
– Web Design and computer development: Créatitude
– Videos : Cercle de l’Arbalète – DICOD
– Seo referencing: créatitude
– Photo credits: Le Cercle de l’Arbalète
© 2022 . All rights reserved – Le Cercle de l’Arbalète – Legal mentions- RGPD